FREE imperfect wooden or plastic handle with M10 screw - free with any other portafilter

FREE imperfect wooden or plastic handle with M10 screw - free with any other portafilter

excluding VAT

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Members of our QA and packing teams often reject our portafilter handles as "imperfect" for sale as a full-priced handle, for any of a number of reasons - including:

  • Small dents / marks
  • Small scratches
  • Cracks
  • Staining / colouration / grain issues
  • Anything else that we feel is unacceptable and we wouldn't like to receive as a full priced product ourselves

Some handles showing examples of these small imperfections are shown in the product image.  We can be quite fussy, and the imperfections may be large or small.

If you order ANY other bottomless or spouted portafilter and would like an additional handle (chosen at random, we can't be selective with this offer) then you can add this item and use the voucher code of FREE-IMPERFECT-HANDLE on the basket screen (where you select country / shipping service) to discount it 100% - making it FREE!

Obviously these free imperfect handles don't include any warranty or guarantee and are supplied "as is", with the customer accepting whatever imperfection (large or small) that we have deemed to exist.  In many cases this imperfection may be hard to notice, and may be just a small imperfection that may be immaterial or even invisible in use.


  • We will TRY to send you something different to the handle on the purchased portafilter, though at times this may not be possible.
  • If you use this offer and voucher code and don't also include a complete purchased portafilter (head+handle) within your order, then we will ignore/remove this additional free handle.  To be clear: it doesn't apply to "head only" or "handle only" orders.
  • You can purchase one of these handles at the listed low price with any order - and as long as you don't use the voucher code then we will allow it
  • Free handles won't fit the Gaggia OEM portafilter - as all handles have M10 screw threads (and the OEM portafilters don't)
  • This offer is limited to ONE imperfect handle per portafilter ordered - additional free handles ordered will be ignored

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