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USA Customers - We're now shipping larger parcels to the US using FedEx with a 3-4 working-day delivery aim!

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Happy New Year: We’re open again and will be shipping new orders from Monday 6th. As we are very busy this week there may be a delay before your order is shipped, though please look out for a dispatch confirmation email or check the status by logging in to your account on here.
If you have collated a shopping cart whilst we’ve been closed, please check it prior to checkout as items may be removed if out of stock.
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Take a look at our mod kits and parts relevant to your machine by selecting your Gaggia Classic model below

IMPORTANT: Please read any notification banners above for additional stock and shipping information.

Some recent arrivals...

Gaggia Geek Bundle

The perfect gift for the experienced Home Barista who would value some advanced electronic gadgets for a Gaggia ClassicThis gift bundle consists of th...
now $94.51was $110.89
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Gaggia Bundle

The perfect gift for anyone who is new to making espresso (and has a nice new Gaggia Classic Pro / Evo / E24) and would value some essential tools and...
now $69.31was $81.91
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Barista Bundle

The perfect gift for anyone who is new to making espresso (and has any standard 58mm espresso machine) and would value some essential tools and access...
now $63.01was $71.83
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Check out our friends at Gaggia UK for the best Gaggia machine deals
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We don't service or sell machines or install our mods - but The Home Baristas do if you're in the UK!
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Looking for beans in the UK? Click here to see what coffees we're currently drinking